Carlos Vives and Claudia Helena will remarry! 600 guests will be invited to Santa Marta


The singer, Carlos Vives, continues to triumph in Europe with his tour "Vives Tour". and where the samarium has managed to seduce its loyal fans.

According to the program, La Red, the singer after being married in 2008 with the Colombian exreina, Claudia Helena Vasquéz, will remarry and this time she will do it with one of the mamos from the Sierra de Santa Marta.

This community recently received the visit of the outgoing President of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, who went there to give the relay that had been given to him at the beginning of his government.

Now you live and who has been a promoter of customs engages a great party to ratify his love for the beautiful country with which he has two children.

The program requested that the decoration be with banana leaves, the place still has not confirmed and among the possibilities are the Marina of Santa Marta and Celedón Liceo

D & # 39; 39 other details that have been revealed direct and direct is that the couple for this occasion will invite some 600 people and the person in charge of the organization will, Tutti Barrera

Also the main meal that will be offered to the guests will be sancocho and the musical quota will be in charge of a typical group of the region.


#Barcelona like 23 years ago my madness is still intact for your love, thank you all for joining us! #vivesenbarcelona #vivestour

A publication shared by Carlos Vives (@carlosvives) on [28 juillet 908] on July 28, 2018 at 8:16 AM PDT

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