Carlos Vives delighted the Madrid audience with a surprise guest


Vives is in the best moment of his career and at 56 he has energy for a while as he showed at the Festival Noches del Botánico, with a large group formed by musicians from different parts of Colombia, connoisseurs of the world music tradition vallenato ambbadador.

The artist who performed a two-hour concert with little rest, interpreted a variety of themes, ranging from early albums such as "Clbadics of the province" (1993) or popular "La tierra del olvido" (1995) to "Corazón profundo" (2013) and some of the collaborations that made it famous as the famous "La bicicleta" or "Note of love", without forget his last album "Vives".

And it is that the singer was the absolute protagonist of the night in a concert which at the beginning was going to be double, with the performance of the group Jazz and Colombian swing Mr. Periné, who he was finally canceled for "logistical reasons", informed the organizers of the event.

With a wardrobe marked by floral motifs, with which the musician wanted to make his contribution to the Botanical Garden, Vives gave the beginning to the show with the song "Pa Mayte", in which the audience has quickly began to sing the chorus a fact that has become the general tone of the night.

"Orchids are precious, nardos and clavellinas but nobody like you, but no one like you, I sing you divine Madrid", improvised Vives, that generated excited with the Colombian musical folklore of themes like " The cañaguetera "," Cachucha bacana ", accompanied by an omnipresent accordion and the bailoteo, expelled to the air included, from the artist.

With "El cantor fonseca" the musician had the badistants in his pocket to finish after the first part of the show with "Ella es mi fiesta" ] momen where the audience of the stands rose for dance and sing one of the best-known songs of their album "Corazón profundo"

An impressive solo tuba as a respite and a return to Caribbean rhythms and also, Whatever, reggaetoneros with the song "Note of love", in which Vives collaborated with singer Wisin, to make way for "Hoy tengo tiempo" and then delight the audience with "Fresh Fruit", in which the singer introduced a native touch with the use of the millo flute.

At this point, Carlos Vives has barely been singing since his audience does it for him, c on topics like "Our secret", "At the edge of your love" or "The picture of the two", a "sad of those" song for the most nostalgic in which the musician asked the participants to light up the room with their phones. [19659005"CettechansonestlanôtredesColombiensetdesVénézuéliensNoussommeslesmêmesd'uncôtéoudel'autredelafrontière"adéclarélemusicienavantdechanter"Latierradelolvido"that'ilachantéenduoavecMauricioRiveraetquiaencoreréveillél'ambiancedesstandsetdelapistequiestrestédeboutpendantque"Rockofmypeople"and"jesuisnédenouveau"

The Colombian thanked the public for their energy and left the scene to which he returned a few minutes later to present the surprise of the night the invitation to the concert of Melendi, who sang with Vives "El arrepentido", a theme with which the king of vallenato collaborated for the album "Ahora" by Melendi. his studio said 'Si cantas vives & # 39; so he remembered me, " the singer joked, which melted into an embrace with Asturian, a moment that no one was waiting in a concert that kept more than surprises, because before finishing the Colombian still impressed the viewers with a flamboyant version of "Robarte a beso", in which a group of cantaores accompanied Vives with their voices and palmas

How could he to be otherwise, and the concert ended the worldwide success of You live "La Bicicleta" and long applause from the public, who sang and danced all night.

The Noches Festival del Botánico in Madrid was the first stop of a European tour in which The musician will also travel to Barcelona on Wednesday and to Torrelavega (Cantabria) on Thursday and then go to other European countries where the 39, world ambbadador of vallenato a also followers.

From: EFE

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