Carnival and accordion to dismiss the Central Americans


Barranquilla will close the Games of Central America and the Caribbean in the same way that he started them: at the top

The games have held a privileged place in the city's agenda . The full stages, the exhausted box office and a multicultural party remain like the balance of the big event that will have its climax on August 3rd.

The most important celebration of the Caribbean, the Barranquilla Carnival, will be the protagonist of a closing that will begin at 8:00 pm and will end with a concert of Vallenato artist Silvestre Dangond, who, at The majestic Roberto Melendez Metropolitan Stadium, will visit this summit of skills, talent and sport which, for the second time in history was based 72 years later, in Barranquilla.

"The closing will take place at the Carnaval de Barranquilla, where a semblance of the Battle of the Flowers will be made," said Victor Ariza, general manager of the opening games' Barranquilla 2132 & # 39; and that he will repeat the honors at the closing ceremony with his company Performa, winner of the call for bids for the opening and closing shows of the America's Games. Central. 9002] "The event will be marked by a sports protocol in which delegations enter with a movement called" lowering flags. "After this part, the Carnival will be shown and the music of Silvestre Dangond will close. same technical production in terms of lighting and screens, it will be a very beautiful technological exhibition, "adds the businessman.

Tickets are already available in Tuboleta in the South, West and

stands. The choreographic editing will be directed by Monica Lindo and he will be proud of the joy, celebration and color of the canestolendas.

"It will be a simpler ceremony than the inauguration, but we are still working on the details of the event," said Lindo

The carnival queen, Valeria Abuchaibe Rosales, will have to closing ceremony of the Games of Central America and the Caribbean his last big appearance as a sovereign of the party of Barranquilleros

. finalize the details of what will be this final event of the games, Valeria will appear on stage several times, with typical costumes, personifying pompous and elaborated in the Metropolitan or his own role, that of the centenary queen of this figure.

"I am glad to have been part of that and that just under my reign these games were made. I did not stop, the city moved, "said Abuchaibe in a voice strangled by the mixed feelings that farewell to his reign.

"I live for culture and our party, I am in love with my city and my people, I would like you to like what I am going to do at the fence. I waited so long to realize this dream, the Carnival of Delight was very happy and I had a very special reign. It was worth 100%. "

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