CDMX urges the automotive industry to accelerate the production of zero-emission vehicles


MEXICO CITY.- The nation's capital has joined the challenge of zero-emission vehicles by calling on states, regions, cities and businesses to use a policy of buying and influencing to accelerate mbadively adoption of automobiles. electric all over the world.

| Omar Hernández |

The initiative promoted by Global Climate and C40 is also supported by the State of California, EDF Energy, LeasePlan; as well as the cities of New York, Los Angeles, London, Milan, Rome, Copenhagen, Pittsburgh, Medellin and the regions of the Capital Territory of Australia and Navarre.

In this way, participants ask the global auto industry to commit to accelerate the manufacture of electric vehicles and increase their production to meet the demand.

The head of the government of Mexico City, José Ramón Amieva, believed that the transition of zero-emission vehicles in America should be accelerated Latina and car manufacturers have a key role in offering clean alternatives at much more competitive prices and affordable. "As mayors of C40, we are committed to delivering concrete actions on emissions-free mobility, and the city of Mexico is already working on the first electric bus corridor in the country, and the only one in the world. one of the first in the region. "

It should be noted that the Zero Emissions Vehicle Campaign combines the Climate Group's EV100 campaign with a new UnderE Coalition ZEV commitment for the states and regions of the world with the leadership of global cities working with the C40 on clean transportation initiatives.

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