Cemex was successful in the Supreme Court but fined for taking advantage of the waters of the Tunjuelo River


Cemex is accused of using the Tunjuelo River's underground water without a permit

Sebastian Pinilla – [email protected]

According to a statement issued by Cemex and published by the Financial Superintendency, At the end of the last century, several companies belonging to the Laserna family brought a lawsuit against Cemex Colombia, in which it was intended to declare non-contractual civil liability and compensation for damages caused by the broadcasts of one of the factories owned by the company, for an initial total of about 10.5 million US dollars.

In this regard, the trial judgment of December 2003 was unfavorable to Cemex Colombia, which was the subject of an appeal, but there was a favorable resolution to the signature in second for example in 2010.

As a result of the foregoing, the plaintiffs filed an extraordinary appeal ión, resolved by the Supreme Court of Justice on July 16, 2018. There, the decision was favorable and final for Cemex Colombia. As a result, the Company will cancel the amount it had raised in previous years for this litigation of approximately US $ 12.7 million.

Despite this judicial victory, Cemex Colombia indicated in the same communication that she had been informed of resolution No. 02167 of 11 July 2018, with which a fine of about US $ 429,068 was imposed for the exploitation of groundwater Tunjuelo River without the concession or the corresponding permit, except that no damage has been caused. 19659004] However, it was stated that "Cemex Colombia has been exonerated from having committed acts of aggression against the Tunjuelo River because no faulty or fraudulent conduct has been observed by the company."

The company reported that this case "The Environmental District Department of Bogotá has filed a lawsuit against Cemex Colombia since 2010, for alleged environmental infractions, such as the illegal channel change Tunjuelo River , improper use of shore for mining activities and exploitation of groundwater of the river without authorization "has always been reported in the financial results of Cemex Latam Holdings, the parent company of the local subsidiary [19659004] Despite the fact that the appeal in reconsideration before the authority against the resolution, as well as an action for annulment, the company has indicated that she did not l ' intend to promote one of them today.

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