China orders national inspection of vaccine sector after scandal | Trade | World


China ordered a national vaccine inspection after the scandal over poor quality products found in a laboratory in the north-east of the country.

Therefore, the National Drug Administration announced that teams of inspectors will be deployed in all vaccine production laboratories in the country.

These teams will "thoroughly inspect the entire process and production chain of all vaccine manufacturers".

This measure comes after the discovery a few days ago of an illegal manufacturing process of a rabies vaccine in the Changchun Changsheng Pharmaceutical Laboratory, where their data were falsified and the parameters of modified production

. The scandal provoked outrage in China where many parents expressed concern over social networks.

Unusual in a country where information is tightly controlled, Chinese President Xi Jinping was forced to react by denouncing the "odious and shocking" practices of the offending pharmaceutical company.

Police in Changchun City (northeast), where the company is based, announced Tuesday it had arrested 15 people, including the chairman of the laboratory. The authorities regard them as suspected of "criminal offenses".

The authorities claimed that the incriminated vaccines had not left Changchun Changsheng's factory. But the case discredits the regulatory authorities and feeds the mistrust of consumers, already disappointed after several food and health scandals in recent years.

Source: AFP

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