China-USA, a technological war | markets


In 2018, the media updated us with the Commercial Warfare decreed by Donald Trump, to protect the industry, the jobs and investments of Americans . Europe and China, targets of Trump's protectionist activity, are trying to negotiate threatening equal retaliation, tariff increases and restrictions on free trade.

It seems a short-term vision, tending to increase the price of products imported into the United States. the local product, but the Chinese see beyond these short-term threats, and worry about something more durable and serious for their interests

China is determined to grow in its value chain, products of cheap and abundant labor, which has stimulated its growth in the past. His plan Made in China 2025, with which he intends to change the paradigm of his industrial production could be threatened if Trump, in addition to increasing tariffs on imported products, restricts investment by Chinese companies in high-end sectors. technology in the United States.

This is not a trade war, but a technological war in its own right. The short-term vision hides long-term and high-impact decisions. That Harley-Davidson moves its factories outside the United States, either to Europe or Thailand, is an anecdote that illustrates the short-term consequences of the trade war, but the famous American bikes are not not a product of

Amazon's counterpart on the Chinese market, Alibaba, sees its investments in US companies in its sector, which had already been decided jeopardized. Also the Chinese data operator Tencent. The famous Chinese badembler of products Apple, Foxconn expressed his concern about this technological war, which can change the relationship between US and Chinese high-tech companies

. China 2025 thus jeopardizes its objectives, which aimed to grow in the value chain of products made in China by 2025, mainly in 10 key areas, where they hoped to become world leaders: information, aerospace, electric vehicles, biotechnology, robotics, maritime high technology and shipbuilding, high-speed rail, energy equipment, agricultural equipment and new materials .

Growth target in the value chain of products manufactured in China in these 10 strategic areas, up to 70%, is in danger. The acquisition of American technology, through investments in leading companies in the United States, was an essential point of the plan, and could be slowed down by this technological war hidden behind the tariff measures of Trump.

China has companies that reflect, American leaders of new technologies. Your Amazon is Alibaba, and your Internet search engine, equivalent to Google, is Baidu. Both are launched, with the support of the Chinese government, in a plan to invest in international acquisitions of companies in their sector that can provide new applications or technologies.

Because, if anything seems clear in the international political-economic panorama, is that political decisions, influence less and less in the world economy and financial markets. How do you explain that, in such a turbulent environment, such as the one that triggered Trump's commercial war in 2018, the global economy, international stock markets and markets in general are doing well?

Think tanks The Chinese believe that this is due to the greater weight of technology, compared to the old pair that governs the markets: labor and capital . Hence his obsession to dominate these strategic areas, where future battles will be fought to become the world's largest economy.

Complex algorithms displace international financial markets, banks are redefined as high-tech companies, and criptodivisas appear without legal regulation, seeking its own space . China wants to be there and European high-tech companies now have a window of opportunity to enter China, occupying the place that was previously reserved for US companies.

Manuel Rodríguez Fernández is an industrial engineer.

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