Chinese authorities undertake national research on vaccine manufacturers


Spanish >> Company

Last updated on 26/07/2018 – 16:07


BEIJING, July 25 (Xinhua) – The Food and Drug Administration of China (AAM) ) has undertaken today a comprehensive survey of all vaccine manufacturers in the country.

From July 25, teams will be sent to study thoroughly the entire process and the manufacturing chain of all vaccines. announced today the AAM.

The investigation will be conducted after a previous review of 45 vaccine manufacturers that began early in the year and after a case of recently released illegal vaccine production.

Changchun Changsheng Life Sciences Limited, A Chinese vaccine manufacturer was subjected on July 6 and 8 to an unannounced inspection of the Jilin Province Food and Drug Administration and Office after a report anonymous.

AAM announced that the company had illegally produced freeze-dried rabies vaccines for human use after a thorough investigation on the same day.

The inspection revealed that the company had falsified the production and inspection records and arbitrarily modified process and equipment parameters during its production of freeze-dried rabies vaccines. human use.

AAM revoked the company's GMP certificate after its serious violations of relevant laws and regulations and demanded the removal of all vaccines without

AAM said that none of the batches of human rabies vaccines examined during the recent unannounced inspection left the factory and indicated that they were not sold on the market.

"All vaccines inspected they are under control," said the agency.

In October 2017, two defective lots were discovered. and the DTC vaccines produced by Changchun Changsheng Life Sciences Limited and the Wuhan Institute of Biological Products. All DTC vaccines concerned were sealed and removed by both companies.

Since then, production of DTP vaccines from the Changchun-based company has been discontinued. The Wuhan-based company resumes production after fixing the problems

DPT refers to a combination of vaccines against three communicable diseases: diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus.

In March 2018, the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention published a re-application plan for DTP vaccines for children who received unqualified DTP vaccines.

With the implementation of a national immunization program, China has effectively controlled some contagious diseases. center

According to the center, China has stopped the spread of indigenous poliomyelitis since 1995 through vaccination. The annual measles infections in China numbered nine million in the mid-twentieth century, but their number decreased to less than 6,000 in 2017.

In the 1960s, up to 3 million people were infected every year by meningitis epidemic of cerebrospinal disease and the number dropped to less than 200 in 2017.

"The national vaccination program has effectively protected the health and lives of children," added the center.

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