Chris Hemsworth prepares for the new version of Men in black


The face of Chris Hemsworth has remained in the memory of many viewers for his role as Thor in the Marvel Universe. From the character's films to his participation in & # 39; Avengers: Infinity War & # 39; The actor has managed to become famous thanks to this long-haired blond superhero.

However, for fans of the artist, Hemsworth will be part of the "reboot". from & # 39; Men in black & # 39; one of the most fictional clbadics of the public.

The hand of Tessa Thompson the two movie stars are already involved in the entire project registration process, where they will replace Tommy Lee Jones and the famous Will Smith ]

However, with the arrival of this pair of professionals for the filming of the band, everything indicates that physical and mental preparation will be indispensable to act in certain scenes that will require it

As the interpreter of Thor published in a video on his personal Instagram account, the exercises and routines are already constant in his work, since he is seen preparing with Luke Zocch, his personal trainer through various exercises.

This meeting between Thompson and Hemsworth aroused the curiosity of fanatics of artists, who anxiously wait to see the band that will not bring this opportunity to its original protagonists .

Several viewers found that the change of actors was inappropriate because they felt that the essence of the film would be completely lost. However, the same Australian told the portal Variety that he was working on a completely different idea of ​​what had already been seen.

"Basically, we try to put a lot of humor like the previous ones (…) we are working hard to make something quite epic and funny ", he claimed Hemsworth .

There are no in-depth details on how these two characters will be, but already in the account of Comicbook you can see the first advancement of the two artists embodying the men in black behind the scenes.

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