Coffee production increased 2.5% in the first half


With a total of 6.5 million bags, coffee production in the first half increased by 2.5% over the same period in 2017, as announced by the National Federation of Producers of Coffee. Colombia coffee by a press release

Only for the month of June, the figure was 1.87 million bags, which also represents an increase of nearly 3.6% compared to June of the year. ;last year . In the sixth month of 2017, the number of bags harvested rose to 1.49 million bags

"In the last 12 months (July 2017-June 2018), grain production exceeded 14.3 million bags., 2% more compared to nearly 14.1 million recorded in the same previous period, "said the badociation through the same press release.

Over the past month, the country's coffee exports have dropped 4, 3% over the same month of last year. The figure, which in June 2017 had been 947 thousand bags, in June of this year reached 906,000.

Data for the first half show a decline of 3.1% compared with the first half of the year. year 2017. Between January and June 2018, six million bags left the country, against 6.2 million in January and June of last year.

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