Colombiamoda consolidates as the epicenter of business, fashion and knowledge in Latin America »Eje21


Colombiamoda consolidates as epicenter of business, fashion and knowledge in Latin America

Medellín-27-07-2018. Colombiamoda, Colombia® + Textiles2 Fashion Week, which ended Thursday night at the Plaza Mayor in Medellin, is consolidated as the epicenter of Latin America's fashion system.

Inexmoda, through this Fair, in its twenty-ninth edition, conducted the meeting of 500 entrepreneurs 84% ​​ national 16% international and 19393 visitors Textile-Clothing sector of Whole continent, which they could enjoy more than 70 fashion moments, do business and get up to date, through the Inexmoda-UPB Knowledge Pavilion

"D & # 39, Inexmoda, we are projecting ourselves as the flagship institute of the Fashion System in Colombia and Latin America.We are convinced that the twenty-ninth edition of Colombiamoda has allowed Entrepreneurs of the Textile-Clothing sector to know each other, to know the trends and proposals of the best national and international design, to update themselves and to badert with confidence. ", 19459009 Eduardo Botero Hoyos, Executive President of Inexmoda.

Creativity and Innovation

27.200 People lived the 70 fashionable moments in charge of 46 national designers and 10 brands, which have expressed the latest design trends at Colombia Fashion Week

Responding to the accompaniment of Inexmoda, the Institute that knows, connects and transforms the Latin American Fashion System, the two students of design fashion, with the tenth edition of the Latin America Speak contest, in its special edition beachwear with OFFCORSS; El Cubo, NonStop, Moda at La Colombiana, the exceptional podiums of more experienced designers and important brands, expressed the creative potential of the region during the three days of the fair. 213 models, along with AVON, the new official makeup artist with style and Celsia, with the illumination of the catwalks, were substantial allies to achieve these important results.

On the other hand, Chevrolet joined this edition of Colombiamoda 2018 to promote young talents with the "Young Creative Chevrolet" contest, where the designer Humberto Cubides with his brand CUBEL, was the winner, and also had the podiums called Chevrolet Fashion Night where more experienced designers have exhibited their talent. Andrea Landa, Andres Pajón and Camilo Álvarez were responsible for being part of this space during the Fair.

The academy is also distinguished by its creativity. The Andes Foundation, the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana and the Young Creators of the Colombian Collegiate have highlighted its high potential and innovations in the designs at the Columbiamoda 2018 podiums.

Regarding the Graphic Market, 25 Visual and graphic artists were part of the first edition of this space in Colombiamoda, where they expressed the latest trends in finished products, as well as created space thanks to the support of Artextil, Estudio Agite, Edding and Hatsu, He had 4 lectures and 2 workshops, followed by 150 people.

Business Opportunities

A 94% compliance of the proposed target with a total of USD 169M, leaves the meeting among the 11,000 buyers, 86% national and 14% international, from more than 40 countries that were present at the Fair thanks to the support of ProColombia, International mainly from Ecuador with 17%, Mexico 15%, States United States 14% and Peru 9% and National mainly Antioquia with 58%, Cundinamarca 11% and Valle del Cauca 5%; and 500 exhibiting brands, 84% national and 16% international, mainly from Antioquia with 45%, Cundinamarca 17%, Santander10% and Valle del Cauca 9% to consider the companies in the commercial sample of 6,000 mts² of Colombiamoda + Textiles2, which they had an effective dynamic thanks to the specialized attention of the staff EAFIT University business. These figures are validated by the Invamer survey company.

Taking advantage of the digital transformation currently experienced, for this edition of the Fair, the Business Agenda Platform was held for the first time, a web portal in which the 11,000 national buyers and the internationals could make 409 appointments with the 500 exhibitors who were present during the three days

For its part, in the second edition of the Business Conference of New Technologies 4.0 by MinTic and ProColombia, 30 exporters and digital IT content, connected with about 78 Fashion System entrepreneurs generating business expectations for $ 1.1 million USD

Inexmoda and UPB updated actors

The Inexmoda Knowledge Pavilion – UPB in addition to the 20 conferences and 8 workshops, which received about 12,138 people and 4,051 via streaming thanks to the alliance with Telemedellín, there was like a big e novelty a space on the outskirts of the Metropolitan Theater of cultural entertainment, which not only confirmed the systemic power of fashion, but also connected the participants of the pavilion with musical artists of the city Medellín, gastronomic offer and fashion, enriching the experience of the knowledge of the Fair. This scenario was possible for the work between Inexmoda, the Metropolitan Theater and the Medellín Ministry of Culture with its project Medellín Ciudad Cultural

Similarly, the Trends Forum inaugurated an innovative format to present four visionary Macrotendencias for the season d & # 39; fall. Winter 18/19, according to research carried out by Inexmoda and its allied Fashion Snoops trend. In addition, an academic program was offered with 13 conferences of the Research and Innovation Laboratory of Inexmoda and El Sena, in which approximately 1,544 people participated.


The Transformation Road in its first edition, not only showed the companies that Inexmoda has transformed over the years. recent years, but also the power of collaboration between Inexmoda and government partners. Projects like Epica, Challenge of Innovation supported by the Office of the Mayor of Medellin and its Secretariat of Economic Development, Strengthening Companies for the Fashion System with the Government of Antioquia, among other programs, are vital for the transformation of the Colombian fashion system strengthening, to turn them into innovative businesses, sustainability and profitability.

Colombiamoda and his contribution to Medellín

The impact of fairs like Colombiamoda + Textiles2, promotes not only the dynamics of the fashion industry, but proportionately the economic overflow of the city has a positive impact. During the three days of the Fair. According to the Minister of Industry and Tourism, US $ 9 million

Colombiamoda, Fashion Week of Colombia®, once again exhibited a wide range of business, fashion and knowledge at national and international level. Exceptional brands, talents and experts who were in charge of opening the eyes of participants to the latest developments in end product, trends, sustainability and technology; and confirmed to be the business scenario, the brand's visibility and the relationship of the most powerful fashion system of the region.

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