Colombiamoda in figures



Inexmoda executives showed a positive balance at the end of the 29th edition of Colombiamoda + Textil 2, a fair that helps strengthen the fashion system in Latin America

"Inexmoda projects us as the flagship institute of the fashion system in Colombia and Latin America We are convinced that this edition of Colombiamoda has allowed men of the textile industry to meet, to know the trends and proposals of the best national and international design, to update and bader.We are aware that the dynamics of the market and the environment, by political, social and economic factors, has a transcendental influence on the taking of decision of the businessmen, "said Carlos Eduardo Botero Hoyos, CEO of Inexmoda.

He adds: "Colombiamoda is the ideal scenario for the players in this sector to be aware of these changes, act in a coherent way and strengthen the companies so that their organizations are more competitive on the world markets."

Organization were:


6 thousand square meters of fair

19 thousand 393 visitors from 40 countries


During Closed Business Week by $ 169 million equivalent to 94% of the proposed goal.

In figures:

11 thousand buyers

9 thousand 460 (86%) nationals

1 thousand 540 (14%) international

– International buyers arrived with the support of Procolombia

17% of Ecuador

15% of Mexico

14% of United States

9% of Peru

– From the country from which they came mainly:

58% of Antioquia

11% of Cundinamarca

5% of Valle del Cauca


500 marks

84% national [19659003] 16% international


45% from Antioquia

17% from Cundinamarca

10% from Santander

9% from Valle del Cauca

Circular Economy and Digital Influence

20 conferences

8 workshops [19659003] 12 000 138 participants


70 fashion moments

46 national designers

10 brands eat

27,200 people experienced the different moments when the co-creation of Fashion System brands was distinguished with the designers.


The participation of the students of the Fundación Área Andina, the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana and the Young Creators of the Colombian Collegiate was highlighted for their potential, their creativity and their creativity. innovation in design and handling. 19659003]

Mercado Gráfico

25 visual artists and graphic artists were part of the first edition of this space in Colombiamoda with the expressions of the latest trends in finished graphic products, as well as space created thanks to the support of Artextil, Estudio Agite, Edding and Hatsu, who had four conferences and two workshops, with the participation of 150 people.

Roundtable on Enterprises

In the second edition of the Roundtable on New Technologies 4.0 held by MinTic and ProColombia,

30 exporters of information technologies and digital content of the fashion system generating business expectations of $ 1.1 million.


409 quotes made 11 thousand buyers with 500 entrepreneurs through Negocios' Plataforma Agenda web platform.

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