Colombian textile exports fall in May


After a slight rebound in April, Colombia's textile exports declined 3.2% in May compared to the same period a year earlier. According to figures from the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE), the industry closed the month with sales abroad for $ 76 million.

Textile exports decline again in Colombia – Universal

Between January and May, textile exports recorded three months of increases and two of decreases, with falls exceeding 8%. Globally, textile shipments grew 4.8% and are expected to close at the end of the year with increases of at least 10%.

The export of finished clothing with own brand is one of the subcategories with larger falls, while the local maquila grew by 4.2%. Leather, leather goods, leather goods and their derivatives fell significantly by 14%.

However, the Colombian economy begins the second half of the year with positive forecasts. Government entities and manufacturers are betting on the end of 2018 with double-digit increases in all categories and a rebound in exports.

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