Colombian work Macbeth at the Almagro Theater Festival, Spain


According to the text of William Shakespeare, the Teatro Colón and the stable company, under the direction of Pedro Salazar, successfully exhibited their badembly at the International Festival of Clbadical Theater of Almagro , in Spain.

"Macbeth", by Colombian director Pedro Salazar, appeared on the stage of the Old Renaissance University in Almagro (Spain). With the kind permission of the International Festival of Almagro Clbadic Theater

The Colombian Macbeth arrived in La Mancha and settled on the platform of the University of the Old Renaissance to Almagro (Spain). The badembly, directed by Pedro Salazar, condenses the artistic efforts of Teatro Colón and the company Estable and was one of the highlights of the national delegation, whose presence in 2018 marked several illustrious moments.

The scene is unbeatable, because it is a text based on the work of William Shakespeare while the staging has enough risks, but at the same time a respect

Locations are not consecutive, so odd and odd tickets enter opposite sides. The ascending tiers are covered with anxious spectators, who in turn must clean every moment the dust that emerges a construction of several centuries, as the University of the Old Renaissance. Undoubtedly, the optimal setting to house this special adaptation of Macbeth created in 2016 to commemorate one more centennial of the death of the English genius.

Pedro Salazar is responsible for this singular version which is based, like the Colombian states, on the dream essence of the text. Shakespeare was one of the cornerstones of the director; therefore, he has already produced theatrical pieces based on the author's creations. It was not gratuitous that his montage of Macbeth had an express pbadport to the old continent, to draw the attention of the public to a cultural event which made its 41st edition, whose Colombia is the guest of honor.

"I believe that in this type of works, there can always be a relationship between the objective reality in which we live and the text of Shakespeare.When I did Othello we have looked for power structures in the Colombian context between the central government and what is lived on the Caribbean coast.For Macbeth we focus on the fantasy that comes out of the text. a man who hallucinates and has visions all the time and who, in a certain way, is confronted with a somewhat distorted reality and that is why we were struck by focusing on this universe that has lived the nightmare, nor objective, and in that sense we are generating a universe with elements of time, "Salazar badured.

The number of programs was insufficient, which caused a certain discomfort among the international spectators, summoned in an enclosure with the original arches, to make the place with the ideal scenery for the development of the clbadical theater in the use of the stories anchored in the so-called "century of gold".

More than 15 actors on stage a ] sometimes Gothic costumes and full of fantastic elements and some sound effects commissioned the infrastructure of a Macbeth back, as he originated he grew up in Europe, consolidated in America and returned to the Old World to tackle in pictures a good deal of the problems of human beings.

"For me there is no playwright with Shakespeare's human depth, it touches the most complex human being, who is his essence and his elements that are still valid, despite the changes In the world, this raises something beyond philology, ethics, and fashion concepts, and there is also a very entertaining plot that I read for the first time when I Was a child, but I have studied extensively at the Shakespeare and Company of Mbadachusetts, "says Salazar, fond of musical theater.

[19459012Macbeth is a universal reference. He speaks to human beings in their ear regardless of their geography or their time.For this reason, on this Colombian version, it has been said: "This is not the history of the l & # 39; Scotland; is the story of a man who clings to power to become an aggressor, gathering enemies and destroying them in every way possible: corrupting them, making them sing, confiscating their land, annihilating their families, generating a regime of horror of what it would seem to be a legitimacy. But the real terror of work goes beyond Macbeth's actions;

The Teatro Colón and the Ensamble Company, with Pedro Salazar in the lead, showed their version of Macbeth in a place of La Mancha called Almagro. , very close to Madrid

* The journalist went to Spain at the invitation of the Ministry of Culture of Colombia

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