Contest Señorita Cartagena 2018: Yaiselle All Overcame Shyness | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


At 21, Yaiselle Tous Tejada is a concentrated, determined and confident woman. She is a psychologist at the Technological University of Bolivar and a model since the age of 17. She came to this world because of her mother's efforts to strip her of the shyness that accompanied her child

Yaiselle was the tallest of her clbadmates, even more so than her twin, Nicolás, whom & ### She had as a reference. Innocently, asking his parents, Nicolás Tous and Fany Tejada, why he was taller than his brother. She did not understand why most of the time they left her old-fashioned because of her size and that seemed to complicate her. Today, definitely, the story is different. Her modeling career, without even imagining it, began to consolidate to parade on the Leonisa podium, Colombiamoda 2015, where she established herself as the only coastal model after an extensive national cast.

Very closed, I did not have many friends and that's why my mother was looking for extracurricular courses and activities, so that I could tell much more … My initial idea, beyond the learning of the model, was more than anything open and leave shyness There were several opportunities and I could start my modeling career and I think that with the organization, the discipline and the responsibility I could finish university because I've always been very good with my studies. "

She says that like many other girls I wanted to be a queen but with the time she forgot about it." I had left her as a childlike fantasy and as a dream of Child, "he says

And how did this childhood dream come to life?

-I was on probation in a house of justice, where I could connect a lot with the problems of Cartagena, and my first case came in. I had a meeting with a girl who was about 13 years old and who, at the end of the process, m & # 39; said she was very grateful to me

That filled me a lot, but I was surprised that she told me that I thought she was the queen of Beauty He asked me if I had been a queen of something.I did not understand the connection that I had with a beauty queen at the time, also because this was not fixed, at that time I was dressed in country clothes, because I had to go out on the street a lot, so I asked her why did she tell me that and she replied that the queens were helping people and that i was letting them go. helped. That's what made me look at the reigns again. I did a little more research on the social work that is done and I was filled with desire to do projects. I thought it would be an opportunity to let me know and get my projects known faster.

How do you view the competition?
-All are beautiful and I think we all got ready, but I hope that my preparation and all the efforts I have made these months will give a positive result. I am very optimistic and if I win I would be very happy, but if that does not happen, I know that this experience will also be an apprenticeship. For me, it's a profit, whatever happens, whatever the outcome. No matter who among us will represent the woman of Cartagena perfectly, because we are full of qualities.

Will we see you at upcoming fashion events?
– In these moments I concentrated a lot on the contest and I left a little modeling aside. It takes a lot of time and time to train and prepare for all aspects. As we know, already in the reigns they do not see physical beauty but they go much further and try to find a woman who is very intelligent, very capable, and I am prepared to measure myself in that direction. [19659002] Tell me more about your childhood, your family …
– My childhood was very happy. I have a very big family. Here I live with two of my brothers but we are five. I have two older sisters with whom I have a very good relationship. I also have a lot of cousins ​​and we have been very close. I have always felt accompanied, in part, to be born with a twin brother. Life gave me this best friend. I had someone to talk to, who to play with, who to share my time with. I've been very familiar

How's Yaiselle All?
-I am a woman of challenges. It's a challenge for me. I've been a very determined and disciplined person, and not just with my studies, I'm very pbadionate about everything I do. Everything that touches me, I do it with a lot of love, responsibility and commitment.

Place of Birth: Cartagena
Date of Birth: August 22, 1996.
Secondary Education: Educational Corporation La Concepción
Occupation: Psychologist of the. Technological University of Bolivar
Physical characteristics: Hazel eyes, light brown hair, brown skin
Height: 1.74 m.
Hobbies: Reading and jogging.

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