Cordoba, the department on the coast with more cases of AIDS until now in 2018 | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


The department of Córdoba ranks first on the coast in terms of reported AIDS cases until now in 2018. Statistics from the National Institute of Health establish that in the early months of this year, there were 317 cases.

Barranquilla continues with 287 cases, the tourist district of Cartagena with 218, Atlántico with 156, Caesar with 164, Sugar with 124, Magdalena with 117 and the tourist district of Santa Marta with 87 cases of HIV reported in the first half.

According to the point of view of Victoria Rodríguez, responsible for the Córdoba Public Health Zone, although the figures are still high and worrying, there is a 9% decrease compared to the year-round cases. previous, because At the same time, 403 were reported, 86 more than in 2018.

The official explained that they strengthen the monitoring and reporting of reported HIV cases in providers of health care because many cases have stopped In regards to prevention plans, he argued that the only way to prevent the spread of the acquired immunodeficiency virus is to adopt a responsible bad life, because no vaccine can prevent it.

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