Costa Rica coffee breaks the world record and reaches $ 300.09 per pound



For the first time in the history of the international auction of the Cup of Excellence, a national coffee broke the world price record.

Coffee beans from the farm Don Cayito – from The family of Luis Ricardo Calderón, located in Copey de Dota, conquered a world record this week for Costa Rica.

The aromatic crop grown at 1950 m from the geisha has managed to sell for US $ 300.09 a pound of electronic excellence.

Coffee processing honey has exceeded, one hour and a half after the start of the auction, the world record reached in 2017 by Brazil and leaves the price of the international market (New York Stock Exchange) which is around US $ 1.15 per pound

The auction highlights the international perception of coffee quality in Costa Rica, where countries like Japan, Korea, Saudi S Audita, among others, strongly enjoyed cutting profiles

In this eleventh edition of the Excellence Cup, 36 lots of the same number of coffee producers from Central, Western and American regions. central government participated. Santos

 Coffee CR Don Cayito (800x600)

Coffee growers, beneficiaries and exporters registered at the Coffee Institute of Costa Rica (Icafé) participate in the Coffee Cup. # 39; Excellence. In addition, the activity is organized by the Costa Rica Coffee Association (SCACR), representative of the Alliance for Coffee of Excellence (ACE) organization.

"For the national coffee sector, cup of coffee The excellence is one of the most important events, since the selected lots have the opportunity to compete, to obtain high prices and penetrate new niche specialty coffee market, where customers are willing to pay for the excellent quality of Costa Rica coffee product. "said the director of promotion and dissemination of Icafé, Gustavo González.

With information from

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