Credit applications were received for the Bogotá Metro – Bogotá


The act of negotiation with the Inter-American Development Bank and the World Bank has already been signed.


940 lots are needed for the construction of railway stations, urban renewal and the generation of public space.


Courtesy of the Mayor of Bogotá


6th of July 2018, 12:47

Once the requirements of the multilateral bank have been met, Metro de Bogotá signed with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) – negotiations. loan agreements for the financing of the first subway line of the city

According to the Company, these minutes contain the characteristics of loans and guarantees, documents that go to the study and to the. approval of IDB directories. and the IBRD, in Washington to get the money.

According to the schedule, this approval would be signed in the remainder of July, so that in the early days of August the lines of credit companies would be ready.

The credits are for 1,700 million dollars

It is to be feared that to reach this point, the Ministry of Finance has issued the resolution 1928 of 2018, which rode to the company Metro of Bogotá to manage the external public procurement of credit.

Andres Escobar, manager of the Metro Company, said he had received the delegations of the banks with which he worked for the last four weeks. get the credits for doing the subway. These entities are: IDB, World Bank and European Investment Bank.

"With them we develop the products, that is to say the modality of the credits that the subway will ask the directories of these entities.These include the terms, the interest rate, the form of liquidation, the currencies and guarantees that will be offered by the disbursement mechanisms, the reports and in general all the flow of information that will govern the contractual relationship of these credits during the useful life of the same who will be in the order of 25 years, "added Escobar

This is the amount of money per bank

According to the Metro Corporation, the money credits are to the Inter-American Development Bank for 600 millions of dollars; with the World Bank, 600 million dollars and with the European Bank 400 million euros, this total amount amounts to 1,700 million dollars.

"The first credit operations that are minor, but necessary to cover the first two years of the project," says Escobar.

Bank directories are expected to meet and approve by the end of July, so Metro can sign contracts with them and open the selection process. "This leads to select the contractor for the development of the Bogota metro," said the director.


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