"Credit helps to overcome the poverty line": Asomicrofinance study: "Credit helps to overcome the poverty line": Asomicrofinance study | Cartagena


Asomicrofinanzas presented the results of the study conducted with Banco de la República, under the auspices of CAF, showing that the use of credit makes it possible to exceed the poverty line; This was emphasized by Dairo Estrada, principal investigator of the issuing bank, as part of the 9th congress of this union held in Cartagena.

With regard to gender participation, the study showed that women in the microcredit market continue to show great momentum, whereas, by age, the largest number of clients is 30 years old. at age 60 and most of them do not reach the primary level in terms of studies, which proves that microcredit reaches Depending on the regions of the country, microcredit is mainly concentrated in large cities, but rural areas continue to gain participation, although interest rates are slightly higher. Microcredit deductors, for the most part, do not have a high level of education. The highest percentages are found among clients with primary or lower education.

Finally, he pointed out that the use of insurance has increased considerably. For the year 2017, 53% of microcredit operations had an insurance product. It should be noted that, according to the figures of Asomicrofinanzas, in May 2018, the number of micro-entrepreneurs in microinsurance, in addition to the debtors debtors, who protect against accidents, diseases, deaths in the family and natural disasters.

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