CRISPR may cause more genetic damage in cells than previously thought | ELESPECTADOR.COM


The technique, known as "copy and paste genetics," often causes many mutations, but at a greater distance from the site where the genetic editing is performed. This found a study published in "Nature Biotechnology."

The Crisp / Cas9 technique allowed scientists to cut specific segments of DNA and replace them with new fragments. / iStock

The CRISPR / Cas9 technique can cause more genetic damage to cells than previously thought, scientists from the Wellcome Sanger Institute (UK) found in a published article in the magazine & # 39; Nature Biotechnology & # 39; (Read here: The discovery of the year: the editing of genes to cure diseases)

This is one of the newest genome editing tools and he may edit sections of DNA in cells in specific points and introduce changes there . Widely used in scientific research, it has also been considered a promising way to create possible genome editing treatments for diseases such as HIV, cancer or sickle cell disease.

had not shown many unexpected mutations of CRISPR / Cas9 in DNA on the genome editing target site. To deepen the question, the researchers conducted a comprehensive systematic study on mouse and human cells, concluding that this technique frequently caused extensive mutations, but at a greater distance from the site under study.

found that many cells had large genetic rearrangements, such as deletions of DNA and insertions, which could have important implications for the use of CRISPR / Cas9 in therapies . In addition, some of these changes were too far from the target site to be observed with standard genotyping methods. (Read here: Will we be forced to have babies on demand?)

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