Death guarding the Golden Gate? Animation clapped netizens confused | Society


Surprise among Internet users provoking a three-dimensional animation showing a terrifying image on the bridge Golden Gate of California, United States: the "dead" Dressed in a red cape, watch the pbadage of cars.

This is a montage in which a human figure appears larger than the bridge, with his face hidden by the darkness, as if it 's been a movie of his own. Horror in which More than one person will end up dead.

And all the tones and the climate produce the necessary effects to confuse the Net surfers

The video, which was made by the Canadian graphic designer Justin Leduc ] aged 30, has accumulated in his first 24 hours about 10 million reproductions and hundreds of comments.

Some of them were asked to question the veracity of the images, even believing that it was something real or an advertisement for a new film

According to the New York Times, Leduc said that what pleased him the most, it was "the badembly of each combined element: the fog, the size of the Monster, the immensity of the ocean .

In addition, he specified that he wanted to represent a Nazgûl one of the mythical characters of the saga The Lord of the Rings who, after to have been kings in the plot, they end up becoming wizards.

"Since the concept of monitoring people is a very popular topic among 3D artists today, I thought I would go with that," said the artist.

Leduc acknowledged that he has never visited the famous bridge, although he "loves his color and design". "I'd love to visit him someday" he said.

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