Despite "stumbling", América Móvil reaches more users


Due to the less stringent restrictions on the area that he carries on in his business in Mexico, América Móvil of Carlos Slim continues to accumulate clients.

The largest operator of the country added 427 thousand mobile users in the last quarter, according to a statement released Tuesday.

These clients helped to increase América Móvil's operational flow in 72 billion pesos ($ 3.8 trillion), not to mention some elements, in line with the estimate badysts average of 72 thousand 100 million pesos.

The growth comes after years of repression of the society controlled by Slim, the richest person in Latin America.

Due to its dominant position in the wireless sector, América Móvil was forced to share its network with competitors and connect rivals' phone calls at no cost. However, this measure was repealed last year.

Competitors such as AT & T continue to promote more aggressive action against the telecommunications giant

Operational Cash Flow (EBITDA) – before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization – rose 15 percent the previous year in Mexico, the most marked increase in the business in almost 11 years.

Sales rose by 3.2% to 257,300 million pesos which exceeds the 252,600 million projected by badysts.

In Brazil, the increase was 9.9%

In Puerto Rico, the company has completely restored its mobile network and works "practically" normally, after the pbadage of the. Hurricane Maria last year. Thousands of people without electricity

However, net profit of América Móvil at the consolidated level suffered a sharp decline from 94.3% during the second quarter of the year, according to the financial report sent to the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV).

This figure was 818 million pesos, compared to 14 thousand 313 million pesos recorded in the same period in 2017.

The reduction in net income is due to the depreciation of the peso against the dollar.

With information from Itzel Castañares.

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