Diario Extra – Seattle prohibits the use of straws



The first city in the world

P ortland, USA. (EFE) – The City of Seattle has since yesterday enforced a bylaw that banned its more than 5,000 restaurants, cafes and grocery stores from distributing straws and plastic utensils, under penalty of having to pay for them. fines of $ 250. 19659004] The measure, which according to local media makes Seattle one of the first big cities in the United States to ban this type of plastic products, includes straws, forks, spoons and knives, and in case a customer asks them to trade

The regulation aims to reduce plastic waste and stresses that, in the case of utensils and disposable containers, local businesses must have options labeled "compostable", which are Composed of: materials that can be converted into compost or fertilizer.

Companies must even subscribe to the composting and recycling service offered by a service provider. Collection Authorities

Authorities have predicted that, during the first year of the measure, they will endeavor to badist locals rather than "forcing" compliance with the order.

The law applies to all businesses in the region. the food and beverage industry, such as restaurants, cafes, food trucks, gourmet grocery stores and even institutional coffee shops

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