Diseases that affect dogs the most – Environment – Life


Having a dog at home involves a lot more than pampering, walking around and providing him with the food and water he needs for his survival. It should also be the responsibility of their caregivers to ensure a healthy and complete life away from diseases. To do this, it is usually sufficient to establish for him an orderly routine of food and exercise accompanied by quality time and all the necessary attention to notice any change in the behavior, appearance or mood of the child.

"Every illness begins almost always with the emotional part" says veterinarian Laura Tafur, after noting that "when animals have weak defenses due to stress or depression, any pathogen that is in the In the nursery or in a walking companion, it can be used to cause them illness. "

The veterinarian adds that because they are herd animals, dogs like to share, play and run with others of their kind. "It makes viruses and infections easy to transmit when they go to daycare or walk with their walker," says Tafur, explaining that "if the immune system is strong, the disease may not be as severe as

Considering that the circumstances of his stay at home and his proximity to other animals may expose him to certain ills, we draw up a list of the diseases which most often affect the dogs of .

Canine Cough

Infectious canine tracheobronchitis is a condition caused by parainfluenza virus, canine adenovirus and opportunistic bacteria such as Bordetella bronchiseptica.

Symptoms are similar to those of the human flu: dry cough, nasal secretions, caries and anorexia .Its transmission occurs orally and nasally in other dogs, and is very similar to It affects all breeds, although it is usually more difficult for flat dogs (due to the shape of their nose) and for puppies younger than 6 months old who are weaned very early and have an immune system weakened.

Strangulation pbades that compress the trachea and are very troublesome especially during the illness should be avoided; you have to keep it and avoid contact with other dogs, says veterinarian Laura Tafur.

It is a very common disease, but also very easy to manage and heal quickly. It is always best to go to the vet because in some cases you will need antibiotics, syrups and medicines to strengthen the dog's immune system.

When animals have weak defenses due to stress or depression can take advantage of them to cause disease

Ehrlichia canis

Disease transmitted by the intracellular bacterium Ehrlichia canis, which destroys blood cells, including including clotting platelets. Occurs when a tick acts as a vector to transmit the pathogen while feeding on the dog's blood.

Affected animals have anemia, fever, fatigue, weight loss, convulsions and, in extreme cases, may urinate and defecate blood. Treatment is through antibiotics which must be formulated by a veterinarian because, depending on weight and size, a specific drug and doses will be needed, as well as A certain gastric protector.

As long as the dog goes to the warm ground, he will be anti-grabbing and anti-chip. Regardless of the climate in which the animal lives, every 3 or 6 months, you must apply an antidote.


This gastric discomfort can come from various causes: bacterial, stress or eating disorders generated by the old belief. that dogs eat only once a day. While the stomach spends a lot of time without food, it produces gastric juices that burn the walls of the stomach, causing gastritis.

It can also be caused by the stress that afflicts dogs who stay alone and locked up most of the day. "They start eating what they find, including garbage, and this eventually causes inflammation of the stomach," says Tafur.

Another cause may be the bacteria and parasites that affect it and cause them to vomit repeatedly. To prevent gastritis meals must be scheduled, according to the appropriate portion for their height three times a day.

Arterial Hypertension

High blood pressure in dogs is a dangerous disease that can become chronic causing a multi-organ failure that would result in silent lesions in important organs such as kidneys, the lungs and heart, which usually undergo alterations and may even cause the death of the animal

. ] This is explained by the veterinarian Jorge Gallego Rodríguez, coordinator of Internal Medicine and Emergency Professor at the University of Antioquia.

"Hypertension can be: primary, when its cause is unknown; according to research, a hereditary origin is suspected, while secondary is a consequence of several disorders, including renal and hormonal . "

In the latter, the specialist highlights several types of hypertension, among these, hyperaldosterism; is caused by high production of aldosterone, most often caused by a tumor in the adrenal glands. And hyperthyroidism – or high activity of the thyroid gland -, generated among other causes by overweight, mixed food and smoking among homeowners who make the dog a pbadive smoker.

It can be caused by the stress that afflicts dogs who are left alone and locked up most of the day. "They start eating what they find, including garbage"


It's an inflammation of the ear that can be caused by bacteria or fungal mites. At the first symptom of discomfort, it is necessary to consider and initiate it "It is important to keep the ears clean with a dry cotton, and if you notice that there is has a lot of wax or color change, you should go to the vet, otitis can cause a lot of pain, "says Tafur expert.

Otitis may be internal or external, the latter being defined as inflammation or infection of the external auditory cbad.

The internal is, meanwhile, secondary and almost never manages to process it in time. General, it is inadvisable to do detergents or home remedies unless suggested by a veterinarian.

And one thing to do is to put cotton wool in the dog's ears before bathing do not enter the water, and dries it very well with a clean towel.

Dental Disease

This is a very common cause of a visit to the veterinarian. It can be noticed that the animal has it when it stops eating or has trouble doing it. Often, abscesses appear and the affected tooth must be removed. Almost always happens because of bad care in the teeth, tartar buildup, fractures or foreign bodies.

The best way to prevent them is to have annual dental prophylaxis. This prevents the accumulation of scale. In addition, there are bacteria in the mouth that migrate through saliva to other important organs and that can cause disease.

What to do in case of illness?

– Consult a trusted veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis.
· Avoid self-diagnosis that is achieved by using Google or calling the friend who also has a dog.

– For no reason do you provide drugs for humans (for example in the case of flu or coughs) because this can cause poisoning of your dog.

– Veterinarians are the only ones trained, depending on the weight of their animals, to give them the right dose of medicine.

– Take your dog every six months, check with the veterinarian and do blood tests once a year.


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