Do you know how to assess the age of your parents? Beware of these 8 warning signs


Over the years is inevitable and when it reaches old age there are certain symptoms that according to the Mayo Clinic in the United States could be used by children to see how is the health of their parents.

"Sometimes parents do not admit to needing help and other times, they do not even realize they need it," Mayo experts say Clinic in the United States.

The expert adds that it is very important to make sure that parents understand the problem and the possible solution.

"You have to remind them how important they are and show interest in helping you improve your health and well-being," according to the Mayo Clinic.

1. Can you take care of yourself? : Look at the appearance of your parents. If they can not continue their daily routine, such as washing and brushing their teeth, this could be a sign of dementia, depression or physical disability.

Pay attention to the condition of your home. Do the lights work? Is the heater on? Is the grbad high? Any change in the way your parents do things around the house could give you an idea of ​​their health.

For example: if there are burnt pots, this could indicate that they forget that the food is on the burned stove. Disregarding housework could also be a sign of depression, dementia, or other problems.

2. Do you lose your memory ?: Having some memory problems is a common part of aging that can sometimes be the side effect of some medications or because of a problem. condition not detected.

However, there is a difference between these normal changes and the type of memory loss that makes it difficult to respect daily activities, such as driving or shopping. Signs of this type of problem may be:

Always Ask the Same Questions

Getting Lost in Familiar Places

Unable to Follow Instructions

3. Do you live safely in your home ?: Watch your parents' house for warning signs. Do you have difficulty going up and down the stairs? Has any of them fallen recently? Can you read the drug brochures? If you ask them about their remedies, can they explain how to prepare them or take them?

4. Can they drive ?: Driving can be complicated for the elderly. If your parents are confused when you are driving or if you fear that they can not drive safely, especially if they have already committed a traffic violation or have had an accident, it is best to that they stop using the car.

5. Pay attention to the state of mind and ask how they feel: A drastic change in mood or attitude can be a sign of depression or other health problems

6. Do they maintain their social life ?: Talk to your parents about their activities. Do they stay in touch with their friends? Do they keep their interest in hobbies or other daily activities? Do they participate in organizations, clubs or communities? When they no longer want to be with other people, this could indicate the presence of a problem.

7. Can they move ?: Pay attention to the way they walk. Are they reluctant to walk the usual distances or can not? Have you had a fall recently? Would it be beneficial for each of them to use a cane or walker?

Problems, such as muscle weakness and joint pain, can also make mobility difficult. If your parents do not have stability while walking, they could fall and fall are one of the leading causes of disability in the elderly.

8. Do you lose weight ?: Losing weight without intending to do so could be a sign that something is wrong. Thinning could be linked to many factors:

  • Difficulty cooking . It can be difficult for them to find the necessary energy to cook and prevent them from grabbing the necessary utensils or reading the labels and instructions on the products.
  • Loss of taste or smell . Your parents may lose interest in eating if foods do not taste or smell as good as before
  • Social Problems . Your parents may have trouble shopping or money problems that limit the food that they can buy.
  • Occult Complaints . Sometimes, thinning indicates the presence of a serious undiagnosed condition, such as malnutrition, dementia, depression or cancer. How is it going?

What to do:
From the Mayo Clinic insist that you can take many steps to ensure the health and well-being of parents and offer:

✔️ Tell them your worries Your concern can motivate them to see a doctor or make other changes. Consider including other people who care about them as close friends in the conversation.

✔ Motivate regular exams. If you are concerned about weight loss, depressed mood, memory loss or other signs and symptoms of your father or mother, encourage them to consult a specialist. You can offer to take turns and accompany the doctor or get someone to do it. Also inquire about follow-up consultations.

✔️ Troubleshoot security issues. Indicate any possible security issues, and then develop a plan to resolve these issues. For example, a higher seat for the toilet or a handrail in the bathroom could help prevent falls. If it is safer for your parents to drive, advise them of other means of transportation, such as taking buses, taxis or discounts.

✔️ Consider asking for help. You can hire someone to clean the house and shop. Home medical help can help you in your daily activities, such as swimming. If staying home is too complicated, you can suggest that they move to a nursing home.

✔️ Talk to your doctor for advice. If your parents do not know your concerns, contact the professional directly. Your opinion can help you understand what to look for in future consultations. Keep in mind that the doctor may need to verify that you are allowed to speak with you about your parents' care and for this you can ask them to sign a form or an exemption.

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