Does Profamilia agree or disagree with the fact that contraceptive prices should go down?


In the last few hours, a controversy has arisen around the possibility that the price of contraceptive drugs is declining in the country and the possible opposition of Profamilia, an entity that has always worked for the badual health of Colombians. [19659002] According to an article in the newspaper "El Espectador", Profamilia would not agree with the price adjustment of these products promoted by the Ministry of Health, which includes contraceptives.

Although Profamilia reported a few years ago that poverty is one of the biggest barriers to Colombian population access to contraceptives and condoms, today she believes that Same factor has nothing to do with access to medication.

According to the report, in Profamilia, it is now stated that "the decline in contraceptive prices is a problem that does not have much to do with improving access."

It seems that this new p ostura badumed by Profamilia is due to the fact that there is a close strategic alliance with Bayer, a company dedicated to the manufacture and distribution of drugs.

And it is that at least 27% of contraceptive referrals that the government seeks to adjust belong to the German multinational. In this regard, it should be recalled that since 2013, the drugs of this company have increased in their distribution in Colombia through joint work with Profamilia.

Bayer, according to the Medical Observatory of the Medical Federation (Observamed), sold last year in Colombia, $ 32,400 million references Yasminiq and Yasmin.

In the same vein, it appeared that the unit Profamilia Pharma, which has increased by 83% since 2013 – the year of said alliance -, has achieved positioning the drugs cited with very high returns .

Profamilia's official response regarding the price reduction of contraceptive drugs is still awaited.

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