Duty to Report Rent in 2018 – Personal Finance – Economy


Dian plans to raise $ 2 billion this year for this tax

  Employees must prepare to lower the income tax

This year, the new levy mechanism for the Income tax is released

. 19659010] Carlos Ortega / EL TIEMPO

Economics and Business

July 16, 2018, 12:21 pm

With the publication of a new schedular collection system, which defines income according to the origin and which gives a profile of the taxpayer, the Directorate of Taxation and Customs (Dian) has started to raise awareness on the beginning of the deadlines for the income tax return in 2018, corresponding to the 2017 taxation year.

They will start according to the last two numbers of the NIT or the card of the taxpayer, ordered from the highest to the lowest.

The Dian estimates that some 2.6 million people will have to declare this year, and they will pay about 2 billion pesos, after deduction of the source deductions that they have made, of the tax advances paid to them. 39, previous year and balances in favor.
See income tax filing deadlines in the following document:

What conditions do you have to report?

  • You are responsible for the common sales tax system – VAT or the National Consumption Tax

  • He had a gross income equal to or greater than $ 44,603,000 in 2017.

  • had gross weight (before deducting debts) as at December 31, 2017 exceeding $ 143,366,000.

  • He made a consumption with credit card. of credits over $ 44,603,000 during the year 2017.

  • Purchases and / or consumption with any means of payment greater than $ 44,603,000 during the year 2017. [19659024] Made bank deposits, deposits or financial investments, in accumulated value over $ 44,603,000 during the year 2017.


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