Eating cracklings is not as bad as you thought


Pork is one of the typical dishes of Mexico and is used in a variety of foods; Delicious tacos, greens or reds, however, the delicious does not remove the idea that they are bad for you, but maybe you should eat them without worrying.

Pork is a food surrounded by myths and presents it as harmful, but these are the real health benefits:


  • Pork pork is rich in collagen, so it helps you to feel satisfied sooner, so that it helps you lose weight.
  • He is rich in established fat (healthy fat), helps lower cholesterol, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
  • In addition, according to a study conducted by the School of Medicine at Boston University, USA, pork rinds help reduce the risk of suffering from high blood pressure.

    For its part, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) ensures that the protein found in pork crust promotes body mbad and protects bones.

    The next time you crave a pork crust pork, you can eat it without guilt, but you must not forget that all excess is bad and that pork rinds contain also large amounts of sodium … enter without guilt, but with moderation.

    Photo: Pixabay

    From: AJH (American Journal oh Hypertension)

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