#EcoFriday the free market initiative to encourage responsible drinking


Mercado Libre badociates with SEMANART to promote responsible consumption through the promotion of sustainable products.

2 min read

Caring for the planet is a constant task that is carried out in collaboration with everyone. That is why Mercado Libre presents its new edition of #EcoFriday an initiative whose objective is to promote sustainable consumption by promoting products with social impact and positive environmental.

Advertisement will begin today Friday, the 20th and end on July 27th. There are more than 3,000 sustainable products in categories such as organic foods, wind turbines, recycled furniture, bicycles, composters, vertical gardens, green walls, living walls, heaters, lamps and solar chargers, among others.

"We are pleased with this collaboration, and we believe that such initiatives allow customers, businesses, entrepreneurs, consumers who use the site, and society at large to have a role, greater participation and more. active and direct to the protection of the environment, the fight against climate change and contributing to the achievement of the national objectives compromised within the framework of the Paris Agreement, "said Juan Carlos Arredondo Brun, Head of the Undersecretariat for Planning and Environmental Policy of the Secretariat for the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT)

The second edition of #EcoFriday that includes Mexico will be present in countries as Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Venezuela and Uruguay, where they will offer month-free benefits with Mercado Pago and free shipping pa Mercado envío

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