Ecopetrol announces a new discovery of hydrocarbons in Cundinamarca


Economía Editorial

At the Búfalo-1 well, located in the municipality of Guaduas, the presence of dry gas and light crudes has been demonstrated.

The stock of Ecopetrol is $ 2,950. File.

Ecopetrol confirmed the presence of hydrocarbons in the well Búfalo-1, located in the municipality of and Guaduas, Cundinamarca.

This well is operated by Ecopetrol, which has 51% share and its partner is the company CPVEN, which holds the remaining 49%.

The discovery was recorded at a depth of 1153 meters, in the Middle Valley of the Magdalena basin, ] where the presence of dry gas and light crudes was demonstrated in the group Honda

The Bufalo-1 well is located very close to the transport infrastructure of Ecopetrol, which could facilitate its commercial production stage.

The president of Ecopetrol, Felipe Bayón Pardo, explained that "it is satisfactory to add a new conclusion to the development of the exploration campaign we conducted on the Colombian territory The presence of crude oil and significant gas potential at Bufalo-1 opens up new opportunities in the middle basin of the Magdalena Valley and will allow us to have new gas reserves in the center of the country in the future 19659007] Ecopetrol has estimated reserves for 7.1 years, while, on average, the world oil companies have for 13 years. This is why the company mentioned the possibility of making investments to buy international reserves.

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