Eight signs that alert parents to their old age


Do you worry about the health of your parents when they reach advanced age? Use this guide to badess old age and know what to do if you need help.

Aging is completely normal, but not all families are prepared or know how to handle this process, especially when it comes to parents. Many times, questions arise, such as: what is the ideal diet? How much physical activity is recommended as we get older? or how can you be sure that your parents take good care of themselves and are in good health?

The Daily Routine
Look at the appearance of your parents. If they are unable to continue their daily routine, such as washing and brushing their teeth, this can be a sign of dementia, depression or physical disability.

Also, pay attention to the state of the house, if the lights work, they washed the dishes or they took care of the garden.
Any change in the way your parents do things around the house could give you an idea of ​​their state of health. For example, if there are pots burnt, it could indicate that your parents forget that the food is cooking. Ignoring household chores could be a sign of depression, dementia, or other problems.

2. Do you lose your memory?
Having some memory problems is a common part of aging that can sometimes be the side effect of certain medications or a simple distraction. However, there is a difference between normal changes in memory and the type of memory loss that makes everyday activities such as driving or shopping difficult. Signs of this type of memory loss may be: (You may also be interested: Fight Bad Memory Naturally)

– Ask the Same Questions Again and Again
– Getting Lost in Familiar Places
– Unable to follow instructions
– Confused about time, people and places

3. Direct Questions
Ask them directly, looking for alerts, if they have difficulty going up and down the narrow stairs, if any of them has recently fallen, s & # 39; They can read the instructions included in the medication package and if they questions about your medications, can you explain how to prepare them or take them?

4. How do you drive?
Driving can be complicated for the elderly. If your parents are confused when they are driving or if you fear that they can not drive safely, especially if they have already committed a traffic violation or have had an accident, it is best to that they stop driving.

Do you lose weight?
Losing weight without trying could be a sign that something is wrong. Thinning could be related to many factors, such as:

– Difficulty cooking. It can be difficult for your parents to find the energy to cook and find it difficult to take the necessary tools or read the labels and instructions on the products.

– Loss of sense of taste or smell. Your parents may lose interest in eating if the food does not taste or smell as good as before.

– Difficult to enter. Your parents may have difficulties making purchases or problems with payments to buy products in the store.

– Hidden affections. Sometimes weight loss indicates the presence of an undiagnosed serious condition such as malnutrition, dementia, depression or cancer.

6. How are your parents in a mood?
Pay attention to the mood and ask them what they feel. Moving from one state of mind to another radically or changing attitude could be a sign of depression or other health problems.

7. Do they keep their social life active?
Talk to your parents about their activities. Do they stay in touch with their friends? Do they keep their interest in hobbies or other daily activities? Do they participate in clubs, workshops or attend mbad?
When one of the parents does not want to share with other people, an alert is made that something is wrong.

8. Can they move themselves?
Problems, such as muscle weakness and joint pain, can make mobility difficult. Pay attention to how your parents are walking. Are they reluctant to walk the usual distances or can not? Have you had a fall recently? Would it be beneficial for each of them to use a cane or walker? If your parents do not have stability while walking, they could fall and fall are one of the leading causes of disability in the elderly.

Sometimes parents do not admit to needing help and other times, they do not even realize that they need it, that's where the parents children can intervene, accompanying them in this process; Make sure your parents understand the situation, it will be a great help to extend their quality of life.

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