Electricaribe will receive $ 735,000 million guarantees for its investment plan


Redacción Economía

With his approval the national government will have committed resources for $ 1.2 billion for the improvement of the electrical service of the company.

The National Council of Economic and Social Policy (Conpes) approved the guarantees for Electricaribe for $ 735,000 million, so that the company can submit an investment plan for this year and l & # 39; 39, which allows him to guarantee the supply of the electrical service and to clean up his finances.

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This approval is added to another guarantee of the Nation for 320 000 million dollars which will allow the disbursements, in the coming days, to the Business Fund administered by the Superintendency of Residential Public Services; that is, the approved guarantees exceed one trillion pesos.

Finance Minister Mauricio Cárdenas celebrated the decision and said that as soon as the regulatory decree that resolves the issues of risks and counter-guarantees is signed, "the resources will be disbursed." Electricaribe can therefore launch a plan for the project. ambitious investment that guarantees quality service throughout the Caribbean coast. "

In a statement, Javier Lastra Fuscaldo, Electricaribe's agent, explains that these resources will have a positive impact on the quality of service." With this support, we will be able to move forward in the implementation of the structural solution without the worry of scarcity of materials, without process of limitation of energy supply and without the logistical problems to operate ", he To meet the needs that ensure moderate exploitation in 2018, it is necessary to have the resources approved in the Conpes document, of which 195 000 milli dollars for guarantees and $ 125,000 million for investments in infrastructure and technology.

Last year, the government guaranteed a credit of $ 135,000 million, which is what they used up to here for the purchase of energy .

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With the approval of these guarantees, the national government will commit resources for $ 1.2 billion for the improvement of the electrical service of # 39; Electricaribe.

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