Elon Musk visits a cave in Thailand where the 12 children are trapped



Elon Musk visited Thailand during the rescue operation of 12 trapped children and their trainer


Elon Musk visited Monday the third of the caves for which children of the Thai football team trapped under the water must pbad to reach the surface, according to the own ruler and tycoon of the company. technology through their Twitter and Instagram accounts.

"I came back from the third cave," tweeted Tesla's CEO . "The mini-submarine is ready if necessary."

The Musk Weekend unveiled an idea related to the creation of a mini submarine capable of directing children in the small cavities of flooded caves. The members of the football team are between 11 and 16 years old, and at the end of this edition, eight of them have been saved, while the others are waiting for their help, as well as their coach.

I have just returned from cave 3. Mini-sub is ready if needed. It is made of rocket parts and named Wild Boar after the children's football team. Leave here in case it might be useful in the future. Thailand is so beautiful. – Elon Musk (@elonmusk) On July 9, 2018

Musk said that he would leave the submarine in Thailand because it might be necessary for the future although he did not clarify He was talking about this rescue operation or another operation that could take place later.

Although for the moment the Thai authorities do not completely exclude the use of the ideas of the Musk team, the government follows its own plans to take out the 12 children and the trainer of the complex network caves.

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