Epsa Issues Green Bonds for Solar Energy Projects for $ 420,000 Million


Redacción Economía

The initiatives will generate 186 MW (megawatts) of clean energy for the country and prevent the emission of more than 3,440,000 tons of CO2 over its 30 years of useful life .

Solar de Celsia in Yumbo (Valle del Cauca) Celsia

Epsa with a bond issue of 420,000 million dollars becomes the first company in the real sector of the economy to use this a fixed income financial instrument that promotes low-carbon, climate resilient environmental projects. Epsa is a company of the energy group Celsia .

The company information indicates that the issuance of green bonds by Epsa is framed in the guidelines of the International Capital Markets Association's Green Bond Principles. (ICMA). The programs have been certified with the Climate Bonds Standard & Certification Scheme which ensures that the projects to which resources will be allocated contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions and the mitigation of climate change. (Read also The National Interconnected System receives solar energy from Celsia )

The report of Epsa notes that solar farms are production projects of the same type. energy with unconventional renewable sources with which the emission of 3.44 million tons of CO2 in the atmosphere will be avoided during the 30 years of life, which equates to the capture of CO2 by 570 million of trees in the same period or reforestation of at least 512 000 hectares of forest. [19659006""Itisverysatisfyingtomeetthedemandingrequirementsofthe Climate Bond Initiative and to have obtained the Standard Climate and Certification Scheme for which our practices of sustainability, socio-environmental processes, safety and health at work, the relationship with various interest groups and issues of corporate governance ", [RicardoSierra[194] 59012] [president] of the Celsia Group

The Financial Branch of the World Bank (IFC) and the National Development Bank (FDN) will equally acquire Green Bond for a total of $ 420 billion, which will be invested in one or more installments. bonds is 12 years since his placement.

Gabriel Goldschmidt Director of the IFC for Latin America and the Caribbean, said that "this question by Epsa is tr This is important for Colombia and uses an innovative financial instrument such as green bonds, giving an example to other companies in the real sector, and at the same time favors the diversification of the country's energy matrix. "

" Through our participation in Epsa's green bond issue, we support the development of unconventional renewable energy projects, enabling the diversification and strengthening of the matrix. Colombian energy. This action is part of our policy of protecting the environment and promoting the development of unconventional renewable energies to reduce the impacts of climate phenomena on the supply of energy, "said Clemente del Valle President of FDN

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