Eric Flesch Santoro, appointed new president of Promigas


Redacción Economía

He will badume the first of September and currently and for twelve years he has been the president of Cementos Argos in the United States where he has played a role in the international expansion of this company.

a rigorous selection process, Eric Flesch Santoro was appointed by the board of directors of Promigas SA ESP, as president of the company, a position that he will occupy as of September 1st.

Flesch replaces Antonio Celia Martínez-Aparicio, who after 26 years announced that he will cease to be president of the gas company from the first of September. Promotion of Atlantic Pipeline Interconnection "Promigas Ltda" was born in 1974 as a natural gas transportation company on the Colombian Caribbean coast.

Flesch is a cadre of Barranquilla, a civil engineer from the University of Norte with a Masters in Administration and Finance (MBA) from West Coast University . He has more than 35 years of experience in business.

He is currently president of Cementos Argos in the United States where he played a determining role in the international expansion of this society.

"The social revolution of natural gas, of which we were daring pioneers and protagonists of the first order, since we went from 25 years in a regional gas pipeline to a commercial company of 17 companies in Colombia and Peru and in view of Others Celia recalled that " In 25 years, we went from 210,000 residential users to 3,900,000 in 2017. Our income in 25 years has increased an average rate of 21% reaching 3, $ 4 billion in 2017. This year, our profit was the highest in our history. EBITDA in 25 years increased by 18% annual average, today is $ 1.2 billion The market value of Promigas has increased from 165 million US dollars in 1992 to 2.4 billion US dollars in 2017. "

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