Expanding Hepatitis C Coverage – Health, Education and Wellness – Notes


Mexico. Through a statement, the National Commission for Social Protection in Health (CNPSS), reported that to ensure access to quality health services to members diagnosed with hepatitis C, Seguro Popular expands the coverage of this disease for beneficiaries aged 0 to 65 years and for all degrees of fibrosis (0 to 4).

He also announced that with the update of the technical protocol for the management of hepatitis C, he will offer health services to patients in advanced phase, so it is estimated to invest resources for one thousand 100 million pesos for the care of this chronic disease.

The agency pointed out that Seguro Popular members will have new therapeutic options, access to comprehensive treatments and direct action of antiviral drugs (ADD), which cure more than 95 % patients.

Hepatitis affects millions of people around the world, mainly complicates the liver and its treatment is expensive.

Finally, the National Commission for the Social Protection of Health (CNPSS) calls on hospitals and specialized institutes to obtain their accreditation to access the resources available at Seguro Popular, within the Fondo. catastrophic spending, to solve this public health problem.

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