Expectations of industrial production and trade improved in June


Juan Pablo Vega B. – [email protected]

The latest opinion poll of Fedesarrollo companies found that there was an improvement in men's perception of 39, business on several topics of the economy, as well as the situation of its industries and commercial.

The industrial confidence index, developed by Fedesarrollo, continues to recover in positive territory and stands at 2.4% if it is taken into account that same period last year this indicator was in negative territory, showing signs of optimism.

According to the measure, in June, the index of commercial confidence stood at 30.7%. This represents a growth of 15.8 percentage points compared to the same month last year, which shows the improvement in the economy 's projections for traders.

The biggest improvement, is in the expectations on the behavior of the next semester, indicator which established at 55.7%. At the same time, the indicator of the current economic situation also improved, to 39.9%, against a slight reduction in the level of stocks.

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