Facebook: actor reveals what he felt during the seven minutes he was dead | Viral | England | Twitter | Fb | World


For many, it may be about a story from a movie, but Shiv Grewal has enough evidence to believe what he's said, since he was pronounced dead 5 years ago because of cardiac arrest. After several interviews, his case became viral on Facebook, since he told the details of what he saw in "the afterlife".

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Grewal is an actor of the British Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC). When he was declared clinically dead, the man said that he felt "in a vacuum" while feeling "emotions and sensations". This amazing story has left thousands of people in the UK affected, while being heavily commented on Facebook.

During those seven lifeless minutes, Grewal said that he was not losing his head. Completely the opposite. He said that he was "aware that my brain was dying and that he was screaming for help, but I also knew that there was a possibility of going home." This speech was given to several media in his country that were later reproduced in Facebook and other social networks

"At one point, I was traveling on the moon and I could see meteorites and all the space. "I felt that there was a range of possibilities and that they offered me many lives and reincarnations, but I did not want them," he added. on Facebook

Currently Shiv Grewal paints pictures with everything he thinks he has seen during these moments, his case is still a mystery which many users debate in Facebook .

The man in the mirror man who died for seven minutes paints pictures of what he saw in life after death https://t.co/YUUK2W1dJu

– Shiv Grewal (@shiv_shivinder) July 14, 2018 [19659008] You might be interested

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