Farándula: Finally, Carolina Cruz clarified what will happen between her and Lincoln Palomeque


After several days of uncertainty about what happened to one of Colombia's most beloved couples, Carolina Cruz finally explained what was going to happen between her and Lincoln Palomeque.

Lincoln thought that they had separated because they stopped publishing photos

Speculation took on more strength with an image than the model and the businesswoman published in which she seemed to be referring to a goodbye.

• I am an exaggeratedly positive woman to see the good side of all that I live in everyday life, for the people who surround me and for those situations that happen without waiting (work, family, friends, projects, anyway …) but throughout my 39 years I learned to ask myself: what for? And not why? And so I was able to understand the things and plans of GOD in a clearer way. They have been months of much learning in work and family, that has reinforced me and I have shown myself that nothing is too big and that "it will happen too" as my friend @mariace so if you read this message and you go through a complex situation understands that nothing is forever good and a lot less bad, strength, faith and desire to achieve what you want, that your dreams and what you deserve are stronger than your fears. That's why we often have to make complex decisions, say goodbye, thank you for the opportunity, thank you for thinking of me and for keeping me in mind, doing it in an elegant way, without making any noise, without nothing to break so that the best is always there. 1919

A post shared by Carolina Cruz Osorio (@carolinacruzosorio) on [25 juillet 2018] at 10:01 am PDT

This frightened his followers, who began to wonder if the message meant a separation. 19659007] <! [CDATA[]]>

However, to clarify the doubts, Carolina Cruz clarified what will happen between her and Lincoln Palomeque with this image on his Instagram:

"VIVIENDOTE ❤️ L @ I love you !! ", she says.

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