Felipe Aljure will be the new artistic director of the Cartagena Film Festival


July 09, 2018 – 2:45 pm
2018-07-09 By:


This Monday, Colombian director and screenwriter Felipe Aljure was introduced as the new director of the Cartagena International Film Festival, Ficci. [19659006] Aljure was born in Girardot 60 years ago and was the main promoter of the first film law in the country, which revolutionized the film industry in Colombia.

"We decided after conversations and cafes, to accept The new cycle of Ficci, I believe that there is a very important moment in Colombian cinema, there are changes of government who are likely to monitor cultural and cinematographic policies, "said Aljure, who replaced producer Diana Bustamante in four editions, a post that had previously been held by Mónica Wagenberg (between 2011 and 2014), and Víctor Nieto , founder of the Festival, during the first years of the festival.

agreement with Aljure one of his main goals with the Ficci is to change the gap between Colombian cinema as a brand and the public, in addition to transforming the festival into a reflection scenario

"I think the best scenario is to make this festival, which has always been, a space for reflection to gather and look forward to knowing what to do . It is not just about getting together to watch a movie series, because we can send it online. It is a matter of seeing, commenting, speaking, reflecting, that the guests and the authors of these films have the opportunity to meet people of all levels: filmmakers, film buffs, families from Cartagena, between others, "adds the artistic director del Ficci

Arjule added that the people of the city of Cartagena have an attachment and a vocation for the cinema but that they feel excluded because they do not find not a voice that explains to them or teaches them the importance of the seventh art.

Lina Rodríguez, general manager of Ficci, the arrival of Aljure at the post the enthusiasm and hopes to work in the 59th edition of the festival which will take place from March 6 to 11, 2019.

"Felipe is a person of the cinema of our country, which we respect all. He is a great manager of the cultural world but he knows very well the public policy of this country, the laws that made this industry viable and has always had a very close relationship with the film festival in the city of Cartagena. "Rodríguez [19659007] The general manager of Ficci said: "It's a great honor for us to have Felipe in our house, as always, but now play from within to make this festival an excellent one. platform for the reflection of our cinema and "

In the sheet of Felipe Aljure, he highlights his direction in the films" The gente of the Universal "," El Colombian Dream "and" Tres escapularios ", which will be published shortly.

To read also: "ElegíA … Lorca", the work created at Teatro Esquina Latina

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