Foods that increase the risk of hypertension

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High blood pressure is one of the most common cardiovascular disorders in the population, which develops when the heart has difficulty in pumping blood to the heart other parts of the body

Resulting from narrowing or blockage of the arteries, resulting in limitations in the transport of blood flow, doubling the effort of the heart muscle. [19659001Forthisreasonitisessentialtoundergoongoingexaminations-physiciansespeciallywhentheyhaveafamilyhistoryorotherriskfactors

In addition, if it is diagnose, the consumption of certain foods which, because of their composition, can cause more complications, should be limited.

a few decades, it is part of the pathologies cataloged as "silent killer", because it is generally asymptomatic and does not bother There are no strong reactions until it becomes a

Therefore, studies have recommended reducing or, in some cases, deleting certain foods from the diet to prevent it from occurring. 39, appearance of hypertension. The most harmful to health are eight.

Health and Wellbeing

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One of them is bread. This product and other bakery products contain high levels of sodium and saturated fats that, when they are absorbed, increase blood pressure levels. A single serving can provide up to 230 mg of sodium, or 15% of the recommended daily amount for the body.

Excessive consumption of beverages such as coffee and soft drinks influences the increase in blood pressure, especially when there is already a diagnosis of hypertension. All caffeinated drinks and foods have a stimulating effect that inevitably influences the activity of blood pressure.

For their part, the industrial dressings that they distribute for salads and other recipes tend to have high levels of blood pressure. sodium which is the main cause of hypertension.

Vegetable shortening and margarine both contain a high concentration of sodium and fat which, when ingested regularly, adversely affects the health of the arteries.

high content of salt and saturated fats that promote the increase in blood pressure. Sodium promotes the retention of water in the tissues and, in turn, increases the tension and level of inflammation.

The list also includes foods like sausages, sweets and pickles, which are consumed in excess, could cause arterial disease.


Hypertension is one of the most common cardiovascular disorders in the population, which develops when the heart is struggling to pump blood to other parts of the body

Comes from narrowing or obstruction arteries, which causes limitations in the transport of blood flow, doubling the effort of the heart muscle.

For this reason, it is essential to undergo continuous medical examinations, especially when there is a family history or other risk factors.) 19659001] In addition, if it is diagnosed, the consumption of certain foods that, because of their composition, may cause more complications, must be limited

For some decades, it has been clbadified as "silent" pathology, it is generally asymptomatic and does not generate violent reactions until it becomes a serious problem.

By co Therefore, studies recommend decreasing, or in some cases, removing certain foods from the diet to prevent the onset of hypertension. The most harmful to health are eight.

One of them is the bread. This product and other bakery products contain high levels of sodium and saturated fats that, when they are absorbed, increase blood pressure levels. A single serving can provide up to 230 mg of sodium, or 15% of the recommended daily amount for the body.

Excessive consumption of beverages such as coffee and soft drinks influences the increase in blood pressure, especially when there is already a diagnosis of hypertension. All caffeinated drinks and foods have a stimulating effect that inevitably influences the activity of blood pressure.

For their part, the industrial dressings that they distribute for salads and other recipes tend to have high levels of blood pressure. sodium which is the main cause of hypertension.

Vegetable shortening and margarine both contain a high concentration of sodium and fat which, when ingested regularly, adversely affects the health of the arteries.

high content of salt and saturated fats that promote the increase in blood pressure. Sodium promotes the retention of water in the tissues and, in turn, increases the tension and level of inflammation.

The list also includes foods like sausages, sweets and pickles, which are consumed in excess, could cause arterial disease.

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