For the first time in 226 years, Wall Street will be led by a woman – El Pilón


  Wall Street

On Wall Street, for the first time in 226 years of history, a woman will be the leader of the New York Stock Exchange, one of the world's financial epicenters.

Stacey Cunningham, chief of New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) operations will become the 67th chairman of the Wall Street board this Friday. This is the first time that the position will be occupied by a woman.

Cunningham's ascent to one of Wall Street's most important positions is a step that breaks a "glbad ceiling" prevalent in the financial industry. Although women have progressed in this crucial sector of the economy and that in the United States, nearly half of executive positions and professional positions are held by women, only 12% of women leaders are women. the direction of large financial enterprises are women.

There are more than 2,400 companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange, its daily trading volume exceeds $ 123 billion, it's the stock market with the most liquid capital in the world.

"There are very few women in finance women in technology – it's a sector that has not changed as quickly as in other sectors," said L & # 39; Executive in an interview on television after his new appointment.

Stacey Cunningham confessed a great admirer of Muriel Siebert, the first woman She was a merchant on Wall Street in 1967. It was she who taught the first female race on the New York Stock Exchange, which consisted of an improvised telephone booth.

In addition to being a well-known financial executive, Cunningham is a skilled cook. At the Culinary Education Institute in Manhattan, even the Financial Times published a report in 2017 on this "unsuspected" skill of the then second in command of the New York market.

"When you work in a kitchen, you have to communicate well, sometimes you have to meet moments that seem impossible. It's what the kitchen has in common with the markets, "he said. [ad_2]
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