For the new energy operator, we demand quality service: Yolanda Wong: We demand the new quality service of the energy operator: Yolanda Wong | Cartagena


The new energy service operator that the national government is seeking for the Caribbean coast must, among other factors, improve service, maintain subsea and primary networks, particularly in the insular zone.

This information was communicated to Yolanda Wong, Mayor, the Minister of Mines and Energy, Germán Arce, and the Superintendency of Public Services, during a meeting at Casa de la Moneda , attended by the governors of the region. to address the problem of Electricaribe and the service that it provides in the region.

The President explained that Cartagena has a large tourism development pole and that undersea lines are important for these areas to continue to grow.

This ideal operator must also respond to the population of Cartagena with quality service, because users of this area have a culture of payment. "We demand and demand quality service," said the mayor.

Acknowledges that Electroaribe is currently working on adaptation with the submarine networks of Tierra Bomba and that there is a plan of action followed by the district government

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