Gendrillon Rendón named the best dancer Mira Quién Baila y … awakens the urge?


Colombian actress and singer Greeicy Rendón was chosen as the best dancer of the first gala of Mira Quién Baila after clashing with her partner, also singer Mike Bahía ] in a duel & # 39; swing dance & # 39 ;; she with the song 'Single Ladies & # 39; who popularized Beyoncé and him with "Crazy Little Thing Called Love". The jury members, Lola Cortés, Dayanara Torres and Joaquín Cortés were not the only ones impressed by their performance. They also applauded the dancers, "because she is talented, simple, an angel," according to one of them, Adrián Sevilla Cortés, at Univision Entertainment .

However, it seems that not everyone was happy with the designation, judging by a reflection that the actress and Colombian singer made on her Instagram account: "What a chimpanzee (how good ) when you meet competent people … but, how difficult and uncomfortable they are when they are Competitive … Great Difference! ", Although it's n & # 39; He did not say who he was referring to, his followers immediately began to support her by writing messages such as "no one will turn off your brightness" and "you are better than anyone else." Rendón, in the style of "Beyoncé" dazzled with "Single Ladies" in Mira Quién Baila


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Greeicy Rendón who had participated in a TV show -reality in his native Colombia and He never repeated it again, so he's got it revealed to his fans through social networks, where he expressed his feelings. "I confess that I am very nervous but happy … They say that when you spit, you spit in my face and that happened … because I swore that in my life I would be in reality again, in a competition, because I do not like competition, I do not like competitive energy … but, j & # I have accepted and badumed this as a challenge with myself, a challenge that will make me learn, improve and overcome fears … I will give everything so that you can have fun, "he confided [19659002] Most of the competitors knew each other and there was a friendship between them, however, Greeicy Rendón only knows his partner Mike Bahía who had unconditional support. "I want the princess to win, she deserves because she is a woman devoted to everything she does and this time is not the exception. We are not here in competition, I am here to support and accompany it, "he told Univision Entertainment, the singer who also participates in Mira Quién Baila .

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