Gianluca Vacchi performs the "Kiki Challenge" in bikini and heels! (Video)


Gianluca Vacchi could not succumb to the "Kiki Challenge" fever, a challenge that caught the attention of several celebrities; However, the famous billionaire caused great controversy with his action by the way he did it.

Dressed in a hat, black glbades, a black bikini that shows some of her bad, plus shiny heels, the Italian is shown doing her best not dance and go down a few steps with a lot of talent, shortly after calling his girlfriend and make him a big kiss.

After stretching the clip, Vacchi provoked a great controversy they focused on the pleasure of the images, others were not hesitant to question their baduality and even to be amazed by their ability to walk in heels.

Then, some of the messages:

@ laura_beatriz7: "This already embroiled … it happened, or has a repressed desire."

@ elbarivas05: "A butterfly so old and ridiculous. "

@ migdy0312:" I've always thought that I was a woman in the body of a man !!! ". [19659002] @claudiathevenin: "Hahahaha and well who walks with these tip tacos, everyone crazy with his theory".

@abylie_love: "What does it mean, what came out of the closet or what, I do not understand !!!" ️

@ y_meraz94: "What a way to go down the stairs ? the heels ? dominates them better than me",

This is so that the businessman and eccentric artist presumed his foray into the viral challenge that sweeps the networks and danced to the rhythm of the function 'In my feelings & # 39; of Drake

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