Glycemic Index Foods Increase the Risk of Fractures



The relationship between the ingestion of glycemic index-rich products and an increased risk of suffering from an osteoporotic fracture has been demonstrated by a study.

These foods are mentioned refined grains, bread and sweet and white pastries.

These products decompose rapidly during digestion and release glucose in the blood, a group of researchers from the University of Rovira Virgili i, URV

found that carbohydrates are important for better cardiovascular health, better glycemic control and prevention of type 2 diabetes may also have beneficial effects against certain types of cancer. But it is quality carbohydrates.

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The importance of carbohydrate quality is fundamental to bone health and the risk of fracture that results, published La Crónica de Quindío .

According to one expert, the low glycemic index contains a high content of fiber, antioxidants and other bioactive substances with anti-inflammatory potential.

The study shows that people who followed a diet with high glycemic index carbohydrates had a higher risk of suffering from this type of fracture, regardless of other related risk factors such as age , bad, or type 2 diabetes.

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