Google has revealed what are the most viewed questions about sex You'll be surprised!


Anonymity and loneliness made the Google search engine the most questioned when it came to consulting on bad.

In this regard, writer and data researcher Seth Stephens-Davidowitz devoted himself to studying for four years anonymous data. Searches done on Google, in the United States.

These discoveries he overturned in the book Everybody Lies and which translates "All Lies."

As the author explains, Google is a great repository of # 39; information that serves to understand how the human psyche works

Among the many secrets that inhabit this digital world, are the most common doubts and concerns about bad.

For example, l & # 39; one of the most frequent questions is related to the lack of frequency in badual relations.

It is 16 times more common to find complaints about the couple's lack of badual desire than the lack of dialogue.

In fact, "badless marriage" is a more common search than "loveless marriage" or "unhappy marriage."

Google's research clearly shows that people feel guilty about the lack of bad in their relationship

The main complaint about this is "my partner does not want to have bad with me". Secondly, "my partner does not write me".

On the other hand, "my boyfriend does not want to have bad with me" is twice as common as "my girlfriend does not want to have bad with me".

be badually active and have fun, which is not consistent with the space and time that actually ends up giving bad, says the expert.

When it comes to size, the penis is Google's most wanted. It beats the heart, lungs, muscles, liver and even the brain.

What is most viewed regarding the penis, is the size. You want to know what the normal or ideal dimensions are and, most importantly, how you can grow it.

In fact, men ask more often how to make their member bigger than how to tune a guitar, prepare an omelete or change of wheel

It should be noted that this seems to concern more the male bad than the female bad: for 170 men interviewed about their own member, only one woman questions the penis of his partner.

Over 40% of women's complaints about this organization relate to what is very important. The pain or irritation caused by pruning is one of the most common research.

The second most common badual consultation for men is how to prolong bad. For them, by contrast, the concern is to get them to reach the climax faster or understand why their partner does not reach bad.


"Is my husband gay?" usual on the web. This question is more worrying than knowing if it is unfaithful, alcoholic or depressed, other concerns that they have compared to their partners.

Questions about male baduality are more common in regions that are less tolerant of homobaduality. In 21 of the 25 states in North America where this consultation is more frequent, the support rate for equal marriages is lower than the national average.

As for surgeries and implants, 7 million are made each year. consultations on silicone implants, although 300,000 only undergo this type of surgery

The chest is not the only concern: for every 5 consultations on how to increase the size of the bads, it there is one on how to have a more bad

Meanwhile, men are also very concerned about their aesthetics, although they do not always openly admit it: they do 42% of beauty and fitness research 39% on cosmetic surgeries and 33% on how to lose weight.

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