Gulf clan: Gold bullion belonging to the Gulf Clan seized in Cali | Cali


Units of the National Navy developing a coordinated and interinstitutional operation with the Attorney General of the Nation, seized 54 kilograms of gold in the form of bullion, valued at $ 6,000 million. the "Clan del Golfo" hidden in an empty house in the city of Cali

The naval intelligence information guided the troops of the Group of Unified Action for Personal Freedom – Gaula Buenaventura of the Navy, up to # 39; to the district on October 12 in the city of Cali, where they made an effective order of intrusion into an empty house, in which, after a strenuous search was found under a concrete slab in the kitchen, a metal container with 59 gold ingots.

According to investigations, the organized armed group "Clan del Golfo" commanded by the chief alias "Bacan" who committed crimes in this region of Valle del Cauca, had rented the house to hide the gold.

During the operation However, no arrests were made and gold found was made available to the Attorney General's Office, which determined that the bullion had a weight of 54 kilograms.

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