"Half a year and I'm already burned": how to detect and treat burnout syndrome


Meetings, Documents, Deliveries, Accounts Payable. The perfect body control. Daily relationships, money. Life on demand. All now and all good. Expectations and their contrast with reality … Thus, almost compulsively, the list of daily demands adds items to the debit column. And as a sign of the time, time this immaterial good so rare, becomes the new luxury .

In the vertigo of routine, there are few who experience the already typified sensation of being "burned" . It is recognized, when it has notorious (and even extreme) manifestations, such as " burnout syndrome " or professional burnout, and refers to the development of a condition of chronic stress or of vital exhaustion, largely related to the obligations of the world of work.

"Although stress has a negative effect on our health, it does not mean that we can not manage it," says Alejandro Melamed, expert in professional development and executive coach. burnout who we are exhausted where all the energy we have available is not sufficient to satisfy the needs, this occurs when we enter this autopilot application-request ".

For María Fernanda Giralt, director of INECO Bienestar and deputy director of the INECO Psychotherapy Department, several factors make this syndrome, which began to be studied in the seventies, has a notable impact today. Some of them are: " multitasking, implying that we do several tasks simultaneously, technology, that sometimes seems to come to solve problems but that often generates more than The fact that wages are the largest cost in an organization means that many times we try to reduce human resource costs, so that task overload is easily produced, a rhythm is very difficult to manage ".

Regarding the different types of stress that we can experiment with, Melamed badures that there are two categories: one constraint by default and another by excess . The first has to do with what results from boredom, or the feeling of "boreout". In short, it is the one who is experienced when the person does not find stimuli. In contrast, excessive stress is what causes the burnout syndrome and is the one that manifests itself when the load or demand that we have exceeds our capacity ] to satisfy it.

Exhaustion is this situation in which we are exhausted, where all the energy we have available is not sufficient to meet the needs. Alejandro Melamed, executive coach.

What are the symptoms of burnout ? The list is long, but some of the most characteristic are: mental and physical exhaustion lower work performance, mood swings, chest pain or head tachycardia, problems with concentration, reluctance, contractures and sleep cycle disorders and in the diet.

Although care may involve a radical change in habits and a different way of thinking in our time, there are ways to get out of burn syndrome. "It's not impossible to handle stress, because in itself it's neither good nor bad." The problem is that when this stress involves constant requirement our body begins to manifest exhaustion "says Melamed.

As for how to deal with burnout, Giralt says, "You can work with stimulus control techniques by trying to eliminate as many negative stimuli and drugs as possible. incorporate positive things, what to do with the right use of recreation, recreational activities, stimuli that generate well-being You can also work on emotional self-control and develop healthy habits, have a good hygiene of sleep Fundamental to avoid irritability and responsiveness In addition to this, food and physical activity are very important.In addition, you can use meditation or practice as mindfulness, which has to do with being in the here and now.

By the year, some of the most heard phrases are: "I can not anymore" or the clbadic "I'm burned." But why these app events do they particularly spawn in the middle of the work year? For Melamed, there are several factors that determine this trend: "On the one hand, it has to do with the feeling of instability that makes the person feel that if she does not do all her work, she can be it's a constant in the world of work, not particularly here and now. Also, although there is the feeling of not giving more, it also seems the certainty that there is still half a year for the holidays Therefore, in order to cope year round, it is necessary to be permanently oxygenated and complete. "

In this sense, it is important to remember that, as a well-known axiom says," rest is part of training. "And just to be able to function according to our own expectations and the environment, we need to maintain four pillars that make what Melamed calls the "health triangle": rest, nutrition, hydration and physical activity .This, more flexible work environments , which allow the preservation of personal spaces, end up being those which, in the long term, guarantee the greater well-being of the people who integrate them.

"You must think that our work is more a marathon than 39, a hundred-meter race "says Melamed." It's better to regulate and take the breaks that our body needs. greater distance. "

The burnout syndrome, or burnout is a source of concern around the world and became a kind of evil of that time. the number of people affected, to a greater or lesser extent, by this table.According to the Guardian published this year, only in the UK, some 500 thousand people suffer from certain manifestations of chronic stress related to the work and some studies have shown that he is more experienced by professionals working in the health system, in education and social badistance.

You must think that our work is more of a marathon that a run of one hundred meters.

This condition can even lead to situations of psychological collapse, a state that causes many people to abruptly stop all their activities, including their work and to isolate.In order not to reach this stage, it is important to take note of the alarm signals to consult a therapist and to be ready to change certain habits not to run out in the long term, this is yet to come.

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