Hass lawyer, the "king" of the United States market | Exports | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


In the world there are about 20 types of lawyers, but the Hbad besides being fashionable is the most exported. The reason: its texture, size and quality.

Mexico is the world's largest producer of this fruit with over 80% of the world market and its main market is the United States, a country that imported last year $ 2,000 million from this product. This market accounts for a third of global purchases and its consumption has increased from 0.5 kilograms in 2000 to nearly 3 kilograms today, says an ICA report.

Mexico has 170,000 hectares cultivated with Hbad avocado and the second largest producer is Peru, with 45 thousand hectares. Colombia has just over 15,000 hectares and each year it adds some 2,000 hectares. The great advantage of Colombia is that in regions where this avocado is grown, 2 or 3 blooms are produced in the year, which allows to take advantage of other growers who only harvest once a year.

In Colombia, there is a fury the harvest of the avocado; in fact, it is already the second largest fruit growing country. However, the characteristics of the national post-harvest fruit often do not meet the standards required by some markets that do not tolerate the fruit to have some spots in its appearance or be of different shapes and sizes, according to a BASF report.

In European and American countries, for example, phytosanitary controls are very strict and require that the product arrives in optimal conditions. An example of this is that Colombia needed 12 years to obtain phytosanitary certification from the ICA, to export the first Colombian Hbad avocado production to US territory.

"To obtain a quality lawyer requires a very high technical and industrial production and an extreme care of the details in all the phases of its development", explains Maria Fernanda Nossa, main director of crop protection marketing of BASF for Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador.

For this reason, one of the challenges of exporting the lawyer to the country, without a doubt, is its quality. All this process that involves care during the process of plant development and pest and disease control, but especially that the farmer has tools for good phytosanitary control of the crop and in this way is in line with international standards, says ACI's General Manager, Luis Humberto Martinez Lacouture, said that "the Hbad lawyer in Colombia, is a product that has positioned itself in several international markets , thanks to work done alongside Colombian producers who, from today, will be able to export to this new Latin American destination, which favors the economy of the fruit growers of Valle del Cauca. , Tolima, Antioquia and Eje Cafetero, main producers of this fruit. 19659009] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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